A Journey Down the Nile




Introduction Task Resources Process Evaluation Conclusion


Kenneth Alford (Fredrick Joseph Ricketts) was born in London on Februrary 21, 1881. Yearning for a carreer in military music, he joined the Royal Irish Regiment in 1895. He remained in the Army until 1927, when he was comissioned into the Royal Marines as a Director of Music. After a total of almost fifty years' service to the Crown he retired in 1944 in rather poor health and died in the following year on May the 15th. During his long military carreer, he wrote many marches that remain famous to this day.  One of them, Army of the Nile(1941), was inspired by the success of the English army in Africa during World War II.

The Task

Welcome to the jungles of northern Africa. The year is 1941.  You are a member of the Royal Marines under the command of General Sir Archibald Wavell during World War II.  As you travel north along the Nile river, you make notes in your journal about the countries and cities you march through, the jungle climate, and the wildlife and people that you see.  One day a military band under the direction of Major Fredrick Joseph Rickets comes to entertain your batalion with a concert.  You take many notes in your journal about the music that the band performs.

The Process

All students will complete both of the following projects:

Assignment #1: Write a two page paper about your adventures travelling along the Nile river.  Use the websites listed below to find information about African geography, climate, wildlife, and people.

Assignment #2:  Write a one page paper about the music of Kenneth Alford.  Include a short introductory paragraph about the composer, then discuss aspects of his music.  Use the websites listed below to find biographical information and MIDI files of many Alford marches.


The Nile River

-A very informative web site about the Nile River.

The Nile River

-Another web site about the nile

The Nile River

-From the CIA

Encyclopedia Britannica Entry

-Everything you need to know about the Nile.

International Military Music Society

-Biographical information about Kenneth Alford.

Royal Marines Band Page

-Visit the Royal Marines Band

The Army of the Nile

Midi of the song

General Sir Archibald Percival Wavell

-Short Military Biography

General Sir Richard Nugent O'Connor

-Short Military Biography

Major Fredrick Joseph Rickets

-Short Military Biography

The Battle of the Army of the Nile

-Story of the orgin of the song

North Africa

-Another History of the Army of the Nile


Assignment #1:  These papers will be graded on creativity (40%), accuracy of content (40%), and mechanics (20%),  for a total of 50 points.

Assigment #2:  These papers will be graded on depth of thought (40%), clarity (40%), and mechanics(20%) for a total of 50 points.


If you are reading this, then you have survived your experience in the steamy African jungles. Congratulations! This has been an experience you will remember for the rest of your life. You will never forget your adventures along the Nile as a Royal Marine. You have served your country well!



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