Mexico City |
Introduction | Task | Process | Resources | Evaluation | Conclusion
¡Felicitaciones, amigos! (Congratulations, friends!) You and two friends have just been given free round-trip airfare tickets and lodging for 3 days in the heart of México, D.F.! Now all you need to figure out is what you will do while you're there!
After using the internet to research both historical and recreational sites in Mexico City, you and your traveling partners will choose three different sites to visit during your all-expense-paid, three-day stay in the Mexican capital.
- In groups of three traveling partners, you will search the internet to find at least six historical and/or recreational sites in Mexico City that you all would like to visit. Write down the names of the places that interest you and where they can be found on the internet as you go along.
- Each one of you needs to research two of the six sites that you have chosen to find out more about. Decide who will research each site.
- Now you will split up, and each of you will surf the net using the resources below or any other web sites you find to research the two sites that your group has chosen for you. While doing your research, keep in mind that you must inform your traveling partners about the attributes of your site.
- Write a detailed description of each site. Include what it actually is, any history of the site, its location in the city, and what you can do there. (This should be at least one good paragraph in length. Your descriptions must be word-processed and handed in after your oral presentation. Each paragraph will be individually graded on content, grammar, spelling, and punctuation.)
- Download an image of your site and print it out so you can share it with your group. This image must also be included on your word-processed paragraph.
- Once you have done your research, verbally persuade your fellow travelers as to why you feel your group should or should not "visit" the site.
- Now your group must come to consensus and narrow-down your six researched sites to three sites that you will actually "visit" together.
- Together you must create an original powerpoint presentation of the three sites that you will "visit" in Mexico City. Your presentation must tell the audience which three sites you will be "visiting", what you will do at each site, why you chose each site and how you came to concensus on the three sites you chose to "visit." This presentation will be graded on your technological skill, poise, voice projection, originality and teaming skills.
During your research, be sure to check out each of these web sites!
Two forms of evaluation will be used for this project.
1. Written descriptions of each site you will "visit"
2. Group presentation of the three sites you chose to "visit"
I hope you've enjoyed your trip!
Did you think the world of Mexico City? Why or why not?