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Building a Webquest

Credit Page
Give credit where credit is due.

Thank those who helped in your creation.


Credits & References

I would like to give credit to the many webquests I previewed prior to and during the development of my webquest The Tuskegee Airmen: Contrasting Perspectives. These projects gave me many ideas. Two specific Tuskegee webquests which aided in my design included:

Webquest - The Tuskegee Airmen by BreBru.com
The Tuskegee Airmen by Maria Butner

I would also like to thank the staff from the University of Chicago's 2003 Web Institute for Teachers for providing exceptional instruction and assistance in the development of webquests and The Chicago Public Schools for providing tuition assistance for the course.

Please see the Process section of this webquest for a complete list of website, book, and media resources.

This webquest was created using templates provided by San Diego State University .

If you have any questions or suggestions related to this webquest email me at guinane@comcast.net.


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