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Seven Intelligences
It is important, when teaching, to give learners a variety of activities. Our students learn in a variety of ways and every person has one or more strengths and one or more weaknesses. By offering classroom activities that utilize the different learning styles and learning intelligences, we are giving our students both a chance to be successful and a chance to meet challenges.
For the student who is a verbal/linguistic learner, journal writing is a joy, but when it is time for computation games, that same student may be at a loss. This does not mean that we only teach to the particular student's learning style or intelligence, but rather that by touching upon all of them we can help each and every one of our students be comfortable with ALL of the learning styles and intelligences!
Projects and Activities - Multiple Intelligences
Story Telling Fact File Word Search Newspaper Oral Reports Brochure Tape Speech Debates Booklets Interviews Letter Writing Poems News Articles Newsletters TV/Radio Reports
Choral Reading Musical Metaphor Musical Collage Musical Technology Raps/Jingles Original Song Musical Score Patterning
Diagrams Computer Printouts Surveys Graphs Time Line Puzzles Recipe Technology Analogies Categorization Patterns Symmetry Story Problems Formulas Experiments Venn Diagrams
Interviews Family Tree Movie Skits Culturegrams Service Projects TV Program Meetings Parties Partner Solutions Cooperative Learning
Board Games Floor Games Scavenger Hunts Treasure Hunts Dance Pantomime Puppet Show Role Play Choreography Puzzle Task Cards Build Construction Field Trips Card Games
Editorials Scrapbook Commercial Diary Metaphors/Analogies Reflections Goal Setting Right Angle Journals
Models Charts Maps Sculpture Architecture Museums Mobiles Murals Dioramas 3-D Graphs Placemats Advertisements Puzzles Posters Color Codes Comic Strip Cartoon Picture Drawing Collage Video Tapes Silkscreen Filmstrips Photo Essay Slideshow Naturalist
Terrarium Travelogue Learning Center Garden Project Animal Project Classification