Technical and Repair Information

Do you want to know about ascii codes?

Do you want to know about the inside of your PC?

Do you want to build your own computer?

Do you want to diagnose a modem problem?

Do you want to diagnose a network problem?

Do you want to diagnose a rescource conflict?

Do you want to diagnose a setup problem?

Do you want to diagnose a sound problem?

Motherboard 101

Do you want to know which chip is what(no, not potato chips)?

Do you want to know how to install a new motherboard?

What is BIOS?

Update your drivers!

What does the BIOS Beep Mean?

RAID, but not from under the kitchen cabinet!

What are firewalls?

What are basic windows commands

What are heat sinks and how do I put them in?

How do I add memory?

How do I replace the motherboard?

How do I replace the CPU?

Do you want to partition without destruction

Random Memory, is it us or do machinces forget too?

Plug and Play?

Do you feel the need; the need for speed?

If you listen the hard drive speaks, you'd better listen.?

Partition Your Hard Drive

How to clean hard drives without soap and water.

How hard drives work..the short version.

Practice Lessons

PC Fundamentals Quiz 1

PC Repair Course Menu

PC Repair Course Test Menu

A+ Study Help

PC Configuation 1 Menu

Let me know if you run into trouble. I'll do my best to get you through it.



Now Go Get 'Em!

You're on your own!

Good Luck, Net-Head!
(That's a compliment)

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