HTML 4.0:
New SubcommandsHere's a look at what the subcommands will do. Many of these are already shown in the New Commands example lesson.
In order for this class command to work, this:<STYLE>
.purple {color:purple}
</STYLE>was placed between the <HEAD> commands.
The Code:
<SPAN CLASS="purple">Affected text</SPAN>What You Get:
Affected text
The Code:
<BDO DIR="LTR">hello</BDO>
<BDO DIR="RTL">hello</BDO>
What You Get:
hello hello
The Code:
<A HREF="#bottom-id">Jump to the Bottom</A>What You Get:
Jump to the Bottom
The Code:
<SPAN LANG="es">Hola! Como esta?</SPAN>What You Get:
Hola! Como esta?
The Code:
<SPAN TITLE="title text">Put your mouse here and leave it sit for a second.</SPAN>What You Get:
Put your mouse here and leave it sit for a second.
Back to the HTML 4.0 Lesson
This is the bottom text you jumped to.
It looks like this:
<SPAN ID="bottom-id">This is the bottom text you jumped to.</A>