

Key Ingredients of a good band

Key Ingredient 1 - Attendance
The number one goal of a top notch band must be perfect attendance. Absent students significantly affect the quality of the rehearsal for all other students. For this reason, student's missing rehearsal is the most serious problem a marching band can have.
In addition to a decrease in productivity, absent students also create a dangerous perception. It is not fair to dedicated students who make sacrifices to attend rehearsals when others are allowed to be absent without consequences.

Student leaders should have authority to excuse band members. The Squad leader can say "Yes" or "I cannot grant permission for that." If they cannot grant permission the student needs to ask the next higher leader. Once again they can say "Yes" or "I cannot grant permission for that." Until the student asks the director. The director is the only person allowed to say "No."

Records must be kept on absences and who gave permission.

If the student does not go through the chain of command to get permission or ignores a "No" then it is unexcused.

One unexcused is too many.

Any unexcused must result in loss of band privileges.

Key Ingredient 2 - Discipline
Discipline means -

1) training that creates self-control
2) orderly conduct
3) treatment that correct inappropriate behavior
Aside from enforcing attendance policies and reminding students about proper behavior, a student leader’s primary role is to lead by example.

Positive things to promote discipline
Start rehearsals on time - have measurable consequences for tardiness Never allow band to leave before band hall is clean and organized
Require band to wear their band uniforms properly at all times. Strolling around with unbuttoned jackets creates a sloppy attitude and a poor image.
Always expect students to follow directors orders. Most will easily meet this expectation.
Have the band director follow the same rules. The band deserves a leader who can follow.
Listen to each other and try to incorporate suggestions. Be kind to each other.

Key Ingredient 3 - Communication
How a band performs is directly related to how the band members feel.
Circle Talks Rules
1. There can be no body contact of any kind(hitting or petting).
2. A student must speak to the entire group.
3. Students may not talk about students who are not present.
4. Only the person who has the floor is allowed to speak at any given time.

