Leadership is many things.
It is patience with a willingness to perform tasks
that are less glamorous or boring 75% of the time and exciting 25%
of the time.
It is the willingness to change or alter plans to
constantly pay attention to priorities.
It is listening carefully most of the time, frequently
speaking with encouragement, and reinforcing words with believable
It is being tough when necessary and at times using
power to help achieve the goals of the band.
No opportunity is too small, no performance
is too insignificant, no audience too unintellectual.
Attributes of Leadership
1. Courage
2. Self-control
3. Sense of Justice
4. Definite decisions
5. Definite plans
6. A habit of doing more than requested
7. A pleasing personality
8. Mastery of detail
9. Sympathy and understanding
10. Willingness to assume full responsibility
11. Cooperation with others
Ten Major Causes for failure
1. Inability to organize details
2. Lack of ambition and persistence
3. Expectation of pay for knowledge instead of what is being done
with the knowledge
4. Fear of competition
5. Lack of imagination
6. A negative personality
7. Lack of restraint and self-discipline
8. Disloyalty and intentional dishonesty
9. Emphasis on title and the authority of leadership
10. Insufficient education or wrong selection of profession