The ALT Command
I get questions from people saying they want the commands that place text in those little pressed in boxes, or they want the commands that make the little yellow boxes pop up when a mouse pointer is placed on an image. Well, here you go... the ALT command.
ALT is short for alternative. It's the text that pops up as an alternative to the actual image. It also sits inside the pressed in box and pops up in the yellow box like you want it to. All that for one little command. It's a great world, isn't it? Here's what it looks like:
<IMG ALT="picture of a dog" SRC="My Dog">
The text following the ALT commands would be used to tell the viewer what's coming. Other text could be entered so that more information about a picture could be given as the person lays the mouse pointer over it.
ALSO! Persons using disabled-assistant browsers have the ALT text "read" to them by the computer. So use text that represents the image when you set up the ALT attribute.
And that's that. There's not much new information here, but a pretty good tip to help your viewers along.
[The Visual]
[Height and Width Commands]
[How Do I Find an Image's Size]
[The ALT Command]