Class Guitar I: Course Syllabus

Course Description:

Guitar I provides an introduction to playing chords and reading music on guitar.

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Acoustic guitar, either nylon or steel string.
A medium pick for steel-string guitars only.
A foot support is recommended for practice at home.
Pencil preferred for tests.

Educational Objectives:

You will:
Learn the application of the music alphabet to the entire fretboard.
Begin to read music notation on the fretboard.
Memorize basic chord fingerings.
Learn several strumming and freestroke (finger) techniques for accompanying songs.
Play several songs.
Learn basic skills, terminology, and theoretical principles which will help you understand many of the commercially available books for learning guitar.


Syllabus assignments are to be prepared ahead for the days they are listed. Class time will focus on practicing songs and exercises, explaining theoretical principles, and demonstrating new techniques.

Attendance is required. Two absences (for any reason) are allowed without affecting the grade.

Test Dates :

________TBA___________________________ Written midterms.

________TBA___________________________ Midterm performance test.

________TBA___________________________ Written final and Performance final.

Throughout the semester the teacher will check your performance as announced. Extra credit options will be announced.


Study, practice and personal participation are the essence of this course.

The final grade will be based on the following percentages:
25% for theory lessons and termology quizzes
25% for classroom participation
25% for each of the midterm final examinations (written and performed).

Borderline grades may be offset by extra credit options, to be announced.
Three or more absences will lower the earned final grade by a half-grade level for each absence over two.

Class structure:

1. Participation: Classes will begin with group performance of material as described in the syllabus.
2. New Material: New concepts will be explained and tried. Students should preview new material and concepts, based on the syllabus. New material should be practiced at home after it is introduced.

Weekly assignments





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