Critical and Creative
Thinking - Bloom's Taxonomy
- What are critical
thinking and creative thinking?
- What's Bloom's
taxonomy and how is it helpful in project planning?
- How are the
domains of learning reflected in technology-rich projects?
- Benjamin Bloom (1956) developed a classification
of levels of intellectual behavior in learning. This taxonomy contained
three overlapping domains: the cognitive, psychomotor, and affective.
Within the cognitive domain, he identified six levels: knowledge, comprehension,
application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. These domains and
levels are still useful today as you develop the critical thinking skills
of your students.
- Critical thinking
involves logical thinking and reasoning including skills such as comparison,
classification, sequencing, cause/effect, patterning, webbing, analogies,
deductive and inductive reasoning, forecasting, planning, hyphothesizing,
and critquing.
- Creative thinking
involves creating something new or original. It involves the skills
of flexibility, originality, fluency, elaboration, brainstorming, modification,
imagery, associative thinking, attribute listing, metaphorical thinking,
forced relationships. The aim of creative thinking is to stimulate curiosity
and promote divergence.
- Read the article Teaching Thinking Skills
and Critical and Creative Thinking for additional background information.
- While critical thinking
can be thought of as more left-brain and creative thinking more right
brain, they both involve "thinking." When we talk about
HOTS "higher-order thinking skills" we're concentrating on the
top three levels of Bloom's Taxonomy: analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.
Cognitive Domain
- Knowledge
collect |
describe |
identify |
list |
show |
tell |
tabulate |
define |
examine |
label |
name |
retell |
state |
quote |
enumerate |
match |
read |
record |
reproduce |
copy |
select |
Examples: dates,
events, places, vocabulary, key ideas, parts of diagram, 5Ws
- Comprehension
associate |
compare |
distinguish |
extend |
interpret |
predict |
differentiate |
contrast |
describe |
discuss |
estimate |
group |
summarize |
order |
cite |
convert |
explain |
paraphrase |
restate |
trace |
find meaning, transfer, interpret facts, infer cause & consequence,
- Application
apply |
classify |
change |
illustrate |
solve |
demonstrate |
calculate |
complete |
solve |
modify |
show |
experiment |
relate |
discover |
act |
administer |
articulate |
chart |
collect |
compute |
construct |
determine |
develop |
establish |
prepare |
produce |
report |
teach |
transfer |
use |
use information in new situations, solve problems
- Analysis
analyze |
arrange |
connect |
divide |
infer |
separate |
classify |
compare |
contrast |
explain |
select |
order |
breakdown |
correlate |
diagram |
discriminate |
focus |
illustrate |
infer |
outline |
prioritize |
subdivide |
points out |
prioritize |
Examples: recognize
and explain patterns and meaning, see parts and wholes
- Synthesis
combine |
compose |
generalize |
modify |
invent |
plan |
substitute |
create |
formulate |
integrate |
rearrange |
design |
speculate |
rewrite |
adapt |
anticipate |
collaborate |
compile |
devise |
express |
facilitate |
reinforce |
structure |
substitute |
intervene |
negotiate |
reorganize |
validate |
Examples: discuss
"what if" situations, create new ideas, predict and draw conclusions
- Evaluation
assess |
compare |
decide |
discriminate |
measure |
rank |
test |
convince |
conclude |
explain |
grade |
judge |
summarize |
support |
appraise |
criticize |
defend |
persuade |
justify |
reframe |
Examples: make
recommendations, assess value and make choices, critique ideas
Affective Domain
- Domain Attributes:
interpersonal relations, emotions, attitudes, appreciations, and values
accepts |
attempts |
challenges |
defends |
disputes |
joins |
judges |
contributes |
praises |
questions |
shares |
supports |
volunteers |
Psychomotor Domain
- Domain Attributes:
fine and gross motor skills
bend |
grasp |
handle |
kick |
operate |
reach |
relax |
stretch |
type |
write |
express |
perform |
conduct |
act |
- Resources on Bloom's Taxonomy
- Bloom's Taxonomy
- This site contains the levels, example
words, products, and example questions.
- Other Sites with an Overview and Key
- Bloom's Taxonomy: An Overview
- Bloom's Taxonomy
- This page provides an overview of the
domains and sample questions.
- Other Sites with Sample Questions:
- Taxonomy of Educational Objectives
- Learning Skills Program: Bloom's Taxonomy
- This page lists the six levels of the
cognitive domain with examples.
- Other Sites Listing the Taxonomy:
- Designing and Managing MCQs
- Major Categories in the Taxonomy of Educational
- Question Types Based on Bloom's Taxonomy
- Bloom's Taxonomy
- Critical Thinking Across the Curriculum
- Explore the questions associated with
each Bloom category.
- Critical Thinking Resources
- Critical Thinking
- This page provides an overview of critical
- Critical Thinking on the Web
- This links page provide connects to lots
of teaching and learning resources related to critical thinking.
- Free Brainstorming Training
- Learn basic and advanced techniques for
- Mission: Critical
- This website provides an advanced look
at critical thinking and specifically analysis of arguments and
- Examples and Applications of Critical
- Evaluating Primary Sources
- This website does a great job providing
an example of using Bloom's Taxonomy for evaluating primary resource
- Integrating Critical Thinking Skills Into the Classroom
- In this article Anne Buchanan defines
critical thinking and provides steps for integrating these ideas
into the classroom.
- The Layered Curriculum
- The Layered Curriculum approach
focuses on increasing levels of complexity. Explore some examples.
- What Is a Thinking Curriculum?
- Fennimore and Tinzmann explore the characteristics
of a "thinking curriculum."
- Creative Thinking Resources
- Creativity Links
- This page links to great resources on
creative thinking.
- Creative Problem Solving
- This page highlights six steps in creative
problem solving.
- Creativity Web
- This page contains ideas on linking creative
thinking to critical thinking and multiple intelligences.
- Within this Website:
- Six Hats of Thinking
- Techniques for Creative Thinking
- Edward de Bono's Methods & Concepts of Lateral Thinking
- This page provides an overview of deBono's
ideas about creativity. You can also learn about the Six Hats.
- Introduction to Creative Thinking
- This page compares critical and creative
thinking and discusses the myths of creative thinking.
- The Inventive Thinking Curriculum Model
- This page provides ideas for invention
and creative thinking.
- Lateral Thinking Puzzles
- Classic lateral thinking puzzles can
be found on this page.
- Learning to Learn: Creativity
- This module helps users learn about creativity.
- Tutorial on creativity, brainstorming and innovation
- This tutorial provides basic information
about creativity, brainstorming, and innovation. It also provides
ideas and activities.
A Project
Select a topic and a technology.
Brainstorm examples of outcomes at different levels of Bloom's