Bloom's Taxonomy's
Model Questions and Key Words

Based on Bloom's Taxonomy, Developed and Expanded by John Maynard

I. KNOWLEDGE (drawing out factual answers, testing recall and recognition)

who where describe which one

what how define what is the best one

why match choose how much

when select omit what does it mean

II. COMPREHENSION (translating, interpreting and extrapolating)

state in your own words classify which are facts

what does this mean judge is this the same as

give an example infer select the best definition

condense this paragraph show what would happen if

state in one word indicate explain what is happening

what part doesn't fit tell explain what is meant

what expectations are there translate read the graph, table

what are they saying select this represents

what seems to be match is it valid that

what seems likely explain show in a graph, table

which statements support represent demonstrate

what restrictions would you add

III. APPLICATION (to situations that are new, unfamiliar or have a new slant for students)

predict what would happen if explain

choose the best statements that apply identify the results of

judge the effects select

what would result tell what would happen

tell how, when, where, why tell how much change there would be

IV. ANALYSIS (breaking down into parts, forms)

distinguish what is the function of

identify what's fact, opinion

what assumptions what statement is relevant

what motive is there related to, extraneous to, not applicable

what conclusions what does author believe, assume

make a distinction state the point of view of

what is the premise state the point of view of

what ideas apply what ideas justify conclusion

what's the relationship between the least essential statements are

what's the main idea, theme what inconsistencies, fallacies

what literary form is used what persuasive technique

implicit in the statement is

V. SYNTHESIS (combining elements into a pattern not clearly there before)

create how would you test make up

tell propose an alternative compose

make solve the following formulate

do plan how else would you

choose design state a rule


VI. EVALUATION (according to some set of criteria, and state why)

appraise what fallacies, consistencies, inconsistencies appear

judge which is more important, moral, better, logical, valid, appropriate

criticize find the errors

defend compare