Sound Planning Jazz up your website with simple sounds |
We don't recommend holding your viewers hostage by forcing them to listen to a loop of music while viewing your site, but sound, when tastefully done, can add to the experience.
Many people let users click on a link to hear the music. The link looks like this: <a href="">
You can also embed sound into your webpage. It's possible to force visitors to automatically hear a sound as the page loads, but it's better to give them the choice to activate the sound file.
To embed a sound in your webpage, use the embed tag:
<embed src="nameoffile" type="audio/wav" autostart="false" loop=false></embed>
You should always add a console to give your users control to start or pause sounds:
<embed src="nameoffile" height="150" width="15" align="bottom" autostart="true" controls="console"></embed>
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