BreBru's Art Room

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  Photoshop Elements Course




File Browser


How To

Undo History
Color Swatches

Layer Styles


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To navigate through this section, you can click on the links above, or on the image at left, which is an image map. Once on a palette’s page, navigate by using the Jump menu on the left side of that page. Options, Shortcuts, Quick Start, and Status Bar do not have pages.

To display a palette which is not currently on the screen, choose Window > Show [palette name]. To close a palette, click the X in its upper right corner.

Please note that the palettes which are in the palette well will not stay open while you edit. To move a palette out of the palette well, drag it out onto the work area by its name tab. You can combine it with other open palettes by dragging it by its name tab onto the other palette.

Individual palettes can be moved out of a group by dragging on its name tab. Palette size can be adjusted by dragging on its lower right corner.

To hide all palettes and the toolbar, press the Tab key. To hide the palettes, but leave the toolbar in view, hold down the Shift key while pressing the Tab key. Pressing the Tab key again will bring them all back. This can be a big help if the palettes are overlapping an image you are trying to work on.

The particular way palettes are arranged on your screen can either be saved, or can always return to the default arrangement each time you open Elements. Choose either option in Edit > Preferences > General by checking or unchecking Save Palette Locations.

A palette’s options menu is accessed by pressing on the arrow or More button in the top right hand corner of the palette.