BreBru's Art Room

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  Part 2: Lesson4 - Drawing a fork

Allow 40min

To apply in revese the principles learnt in our previous lesson to drawing objects that have more complicated three dimensional shapes.

The sketch pad, HB and 4B pencil, eraser

Allow five minutes to for the quick sketch test. Two minutes to do and three to mark. Swap, display and title if necessary.

Prepare the sheet as usual then using the prepared top and side view of the common fork draw a box of appropiate dimensions as shown.

On the top surface draw a 'flat' top view of the fork.

Draw a side view on the front right hand surface as show.

If we now project light lines 'in' from the front view and 'down' from the top we can locate as many points as we like on the edge of our fork ('a' and 'b').

Join all these points up with nice smooth freehand curves as shown.

Complete as shown above taking extra care with the prongs.

Now let us give our fork a little 'thickness' using shading on the front edge.

Shade in the rest of the fork and add a shadow where appropiate. If you have a fork with you on your desk you can adjust the shadow as you see it, otherwise just copy mine.

Refine the drawing and add a knife.