#20 - Changing Faces
We've all seen it in magazines, newspapers and
web sites, where a famous persons head has been changed
with that of another. This tutorial aims to show you how
to do this process AND keep the sizes and proportions to
match up properly. The main tools we will be using are:
Ruler, Clone, Smudge, Layer Mask and Layers.
I first came across this technique in 'Inside Adobe
Photoshop 5 - Limited Edition' written by Bouton & Bouton.
This is definitely a book for your collection.
When working with images in Photoshop,
set your measurement units to pixels - it will help you
more in the long run.
You can have a lot of fun with this
technique - but be careful you don't upset somebody when
altering faces! |
The first thing we need to do is open both the images we will
be using. Arrange them on the Photoshop workspace so they sit
side by side.
Ok. Get the Ruler Tool from the Toolbox, and then press the
ENTER key to activate the Preferences Box. Click on the Info
tab and then click on the '+' sign. If need be, change the measurement
units to Pixels.
With the Ruler tool, measure from the bottom of
the chin area up to the centre of the eyebrows on the first
image. Jot this figure down because you will need it again very
Repeat the above
step on the second image - again taking a note of the measurement.
With your calculator, divide the measurement you got from the
second by that of the first image. If you have done this right,
you will end up with a figure something like 0.7877654, or similar.
The only numbers we need to take note of here are the first
two numbers after the decimal point. In my case it was 78.
Make sure that the second image is activated and bring up the
Image Size dialogue box [Image... Image Size]. Change the Pixels
Dimensions units from PIXELS to PERCENTAGE.
Enter the figure you got from your calculations. As I mentioned
earlier, my figure turned out to be 0.78, so I entered 78 into
the WIDTH value box. Click OK and your image will be resized
at the percentage you entered. May sound a little complex, but,
honestly, it isn't.
Ok, now that we have the faces at the correct size (or as nears
as we can), its time to transfer the face on the second image
onto the face of the first. This is where the Clone Tool comes
into action.
Select the Clone Tool from the Tool Box, and a medium-sized,
soft-edged brush. Place the source [Hold down the Alt key and
left click with your mouse] on the nose. Now switch over to
the first image.
Create a new layer and rename it 'New Face' by holding down
the ALT key and clicking on the Create New Layer icon at the
bottom of the Layers palette.
Position the cursor of the Clone Tool over the nose of your
intended victim - try and get it positioned at roughly the same
place you placed the source on the second image. Carefully,
start cloning in your new face. Leave any original hair, head-bands
etc on the original image - the new face should (with a bit
of luck) fit nicely into the area of the face you are replacing.
- When you have finished cloning in your new face, you
may need to adjust the colour to get it to match into its new
surroundings properly. One way to do this is to use the Hue &
Saturation command [Image... Adjust... Hue/Saturation]. Using
the three sliders, adjust the colour, lightness and hue of the
face until it blends in nicely.
If, like in the example I have used here, the person
in your target image is wearing a garment of some sort,
use the Dodge and Burn tools to add shadows and highlights.
You can have no end of fun with this technique,
changing faces with whoever you want to! BUT... and this
is a big BUT - be aware of Copyright - don't get yourself
into trouble! Apart from that, have fun! |