For as long as traditional photography has been
around there has been a technique known as hand tinting.
What this meant was that if a photographer wanted to add
color or replace a color on a photograph they would need
to get out a small paintbrush and a set of specialised paints.
The job was sometimes painstaking and labourious, and, if
a mistake was made more times than not the project was ruined.
In the age of the "Digital Darkroom" this same
technique can be applied by using art packages like Adobe
Photoshop, Paintshop Pro etc. Within Photoshop itself, there
are at least three different ways to add color to a black
and white image by applying color Variations, Hue &
Saturation, or by using the Layers palette blend modes.
This tutorial will show you how to add colour using
the Layers palette Blend Modes. In itself you can achieve
different results by using Blend Modes like Overlay, Multiply,
Soft Light, Color etc. We will be using the Color blending
If you do not have a black and white image at hand,
use a color image with all color drained from it - do this
my using the Desaturate command from the Image... Adjust
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