Beginning to Write
You will actually begin to write HTML starting with Lesson #2. That's tomorrow if you follow the
seven-day plan this was written for. Here, I want to tell you how you will go about the
You will write the HTML document on the word processor, or Notepad, WordPad, or Simple
Text. When you are finished creating the HTML document, you'll then open the document in a
browser, like Netscape Navigator. The browser will interpret the HTML commands for you and
display the Web page.
Now, some people who are already schooled in HTML are going to jump up and down and yell
that you should be using an HTML assistant program because it makes it easier. That's true, but it
also makes it harder to learn as the program does half the work for you. Take my word for it, use
the word processor for a week, then go to the assistant if you still want to use one. You'll be far
better off for the effort. I have been writing HTML for 3 years and I still use Notepad for the
bulk of my writing.
Let's get into the programs you will use to write your HTML document. Keep this in mind:
HTML documents must be text only. When you save an HTML document, you must save only
the text, nothing else.
The reason I am pushing NotePad, WordPad, and Simple Text is that they save in text-only
format without your doing any additional work. They just do it. But, if you're like me, then you
will want to start writing on a word processor, like WORD, or WordPerfect. Maybe you're just
more comfortable on it. If so, read this next part carefully.
The Word Processor
When you write to the word processor you will need to follow a
few steps:
1. Write the page as you would any other document.
2. When you go to save the document (Here's the
trick), ALWAYS choose SAVE AS.
3. When the SAVE AS box pops up, you will need to save the page in a specific format.
Look at the SAVE AS dialogue box when it pops up: Usually at the bottom, you find where you
will be able to change the file format.
4. If you have a PC, save your document as ASCII TEXT DOS or just
TEXT. Either one will work.
5. If you have a MAC, save your document as TEXT.
6. When I started writing HTML, I saved pages by assigning every Web page its own
floppy disc. It just helped me keep it all straight, but if you want to save right to your hard drive,
do it. I only offer the floppy disc premise as a suggestion.
Please remember: It is very important to choose SAVE AS EVERY time you save your
document. If you don't, the program won't save as TEXT, but rather in its default format. In
layman's terms -- use SAVE AS or screw up your document.
You see, when you save your document in WORD, or some other word processor format other
than text, you are saving much more than just the letters on the page. You're saving the margin
settings, the tab settings, specific fonts, and a whole lot of other settings the page needs to be
displayed correctly. You don't want all of that. You just want the text.
NotePad, WordPad, and SimpleText already save in text-only format so if you use one of them as
your word processor, you'll get the correct format simply by saving your document.
How To Name Your Document
What you name your document is very important. You must first
give your document a name and then add a suffix to it. That's the way everything works in
HTML. You give a name and then a suffix.
Follow this format to name your document:
1. Choose a name. Anything. If you have a PC not running Windows 95, you are
limited to eight letters, however.
2. Add a suffix. For all HTML documents, you will add
either ".htm" or ".html".
(".htm" for PCs running Windows 3.x and ".html" for MAC and Windows 95/98
I am looking to name a document I just wrote on a PC running Windows 3.11 for workgroups. I
want to name the document "fred". Thus the document must be named "fred.htm". If it was MAC
or Windows 95/98 I would name it "fred.html". Please notice the dot (period) before .htm and
.html. And no quotation marks, I just put them in here to set the name apart.
Uhhhhhh.... Why Do I Do That?
Glad you asked. It's a thing called "association." It's how
computers tell different file types apart. ".html" tells the computer that this file is an HTML
document. When we get into graphics, you'll see a different suffix. All files used on the Web will
follow the format of "name.suffix." Always.
Okay, why .htm for PCs running Windows 3.x and .html for MAC and
Windows 95/98?
Because that's the way the operating systems are made (Windows 3.x, Windows 95/98, and MAC
OS are all technically called operating systems). Windows 3.x only allows three letters after the
dot. MAC OS and Windows 95/98 allow four, or more. Your browser allows for both suffixes. It
acts upon .html and .htm in the same fashion.
Why do you keep harping on the fact that I must save in TEXT
You're just full of questions! You see, HTML browsers can only
read text. Look at your keyboard. See the letters and numbers and little signs like % and @ and
*? There are 128 in all (read upper- and lowercase letters as two). That's text. That's what the
browser reads. It simply doesn't understand anything else.
If you'd like to test this theory, then go ahead and create an HTML document and save it in
WORD. Then try and open it in your browser. Nothing will happen. Go ahead and try it. You
won't hurt anything.
Remember that if you are using Notepad, Wordpad, or Simple Text, the document will be saved
as text with no extra prompting. Just choose SAVE.
Opening the Document in the Browser
Once you have your HTML document on the floppy disc or your
hard drive, you'll need to open it up in the browser. It's easy enough. Since you're using a browser
to look at this Lesson, follow along.
1. Under the FILE menu at the very top left of this screen, you'll find OPEN, OPEN
FILE, OPEN DOCUMENT, or words to that effect.
2. Click on it. Some browsers give you the dialogue box that allows you to find your
document right away. Internet Explorer, and later versions of Netscape Navigator, require you to
click on a BROWSE button or OPEN FILE button to get the dialogue box. When the dialogue
box opens up, switch to the A:\ drive (or the floppy disc for MAC users) and open your
document. If you saved the file to your hard drive, get it from there.
3. You might have to then click an OK button. The browser will do the rest.
One More Thing
You easily have enough to keep you occupied for the first day.
Don't worry, the Lessons get less wordy after this.
If you are going to start writing HTML, I suggest you make a point of learning to look at other
authors' HTML pages. You say you're already doing that, right? Maybe. What I mean is for you
to look at the HTML document a person wrote to present the page you are looking at. Don't look
at the pretty page, look behind it at the HTML document.
Why Would I Do That?
Because you can... but seriously, folks. Let's say you run into a page that has a really neat layout,
or a fancy text pattern, or a strange grouping of pictures. You'd like to know how to do it.
Well, look, I'm not telling you to steal anything, but let's be honest, if you see some landscaping
you like, you're going to use the idea. If you see a room layout you like, you will use the idea to
help yourself. That's the point of looking at another page's HTML document. I think it's also the
best way to learn HTML. In fact, I am self-taught in HTML simply by looking at others'
documents. It was the long way around, believe me. You're going to have a much easier time of it
with these Lessons.
Here's how you look at an HTML document (known as the "source code"):
1. When you find a page you like, click on VIEW at the top of the screen.
2. Choose DOCUMENT SOURCE from the menu. Sometimes it only reads
3. The HTML document will appear on the screen.
4. Go ahead. Try it with this page. Click on VIEW and then choose the SOURCE.
It's going to look like chicken-scratch right now, but by the end of the week, it'll be readable and
you'll be able to find exactly how a certain HTML presentation was performed.
It's A Little Different On AOL
Those of you who use AOL can also see the source. You can do it by placing your pointer on the
page, off of an image, and clicking the right mouse button. MAC users should click and hold. A
small menu should pop up. One of the items will allow you the ability to view the source.
That's the Lesson for today. Print it out if you'd like and get ready to delve in and write your first
HTML document. See you tomorrow.